by Creflo Dollar
All of us are in need of healing. The question is: why? The answer to that question can be located through an understanding of the fall of mankind. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, something monumental took place, and not in a good way. Not only did a curse come upon the earth as a result of their disobedience, but the curse of being emotionally ruled also affected the soul of man in an unprecedented way—the curse of being emotionally-ruled. From that point on, the mind, will, and emotions of men would be fragmented and broken as a result of their sin nature. Fear and selfishness would now dominate people’s thinking, and they would have the tendency to be ruled by their emotions instead of the Word of God and the Spirit of God. God wants to heal the brokenness of our souls and get us to the point where we are no longer ruled by our feelings. The truth is, the reason we react to hurt, rejection, and pain the way we do is because we are coming from a position of being already broken in our souls. However, when we realize that God has redeemed our emotions and made us whole through our relationship with Jesus Christ, the things that once had the power to hurt us cannot affect us in the same way anymore. A “whole” heart cannot be broken. In order to get to the place where we are whole in our souls, we must first accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and then begin the process of renewing our minds with the Word of God. When God heals your heart, nothing can break it, but reclaiming that position of wholeness in Him means we must be consistent in our pursuit of the Word. Spending time meditating on the reality of God’s healing power, and who we are in Christ, is essential to repairing the broken soul. Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” God’s power, which is His love, is working within us right now! His love is mending our broken hearts and repairing what has been damaged by sin. As our thoughts become aligned with God’s Word, His highest and best will begin to take shape in our lives. We must know we are unconditionally loved by God in order to truly become whole again. The blood of Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice, which brought the mind, will, and emotions back into fellowship with the Father. There is nothing we can do that will separate us from His love. Our part is to be completely transparent with God about our issues rather than to try and mask them. We must also recognize that God’s grace and mercy are on hand to carry us through the personal challenges we experience in our souls. Nothing is too hard for Him. Sin and brokenness has already been overcome. Our job is to hide in Christ to receive the freedom, deliverance, and healing that has been made available to us. I encourage you to examine your heart for any areas that may be wounded and broken. Bring those things to God, and receive the full benefits of salvation, which include healing of the soul.
information on Christian Living according the Bible; all stages of how to become a Christian, to Christian living all that you may need to live walk in this pilgrimage.we emphasize the number one place to get information on this is the Bible the word of God. God,Jesus Christ,Creation,Adam,Eve,Allah,Mohamed,Israel,Mecca,Saudi Arabia,Revelation of the end times, Revelation, Prophecy,Visions,Dreams,Healing,Salvation,Eternity, Heaven, Hell,Paradise,Life after death,Calvary,Gethsemane, Jerusalem
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Becoming a Servant
by Creflo Dollar
One of the major ways we demonstrate our new life in Christ is by becoming a servant, which means to commit ourselves to living for God instead of ourselves. In other words, we become God-focused instead of self-focused. As servants, we are willing to be inconvenienced for the sake of advancing the Kingdom of God. Jesus lived a life of servanthood. His servant’s heart was demonstrated in everything He did and everywhere He went. Everyone He came in contact with was affected by His determination to serve God and others. Before He was crucified, He showed His love for His disciples by washing their feet. John 13:3-5, 12 -14 describes the scene: Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God; He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. After that he poureth water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded…So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you? Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. It is evident that Jesus had no problem taking on a servant’s role. When we become Christians, we have a responsibility to adopt a lifestyle that demonstrates the character of Jesus Christ. The foundation of Christianity is love because God is love. When we learn to become servants, we build our character and cultivate the love of God in our hearts. God has always shown His love to us through serving us. His ultimate act of servanthood was sending Jesus to die for our sins (John 3:16). This great act of serving mankind is why we, in turn, should serve Him and others. Here are some characteristics of servanthood: 1. Servants make themselves available to God to serve. 2. Servants do what is needed, even when it is inconvenient. 3. Servants see interruptions as opportunities to practice serving others. 4. Servants pay attention to the needs of others. 5. No task is beneath a servant. God will not force you to serve Him; the choice is yours. But you have to present yourself instead of waiting for someone to ask you to serve, or for a miraculous sign to show up. God is always concerned about the condition of your heart. Therefore, if your heart is not willing to serve Him, ask Him to help you in this area. Additionally, ask yourself, “Am I living to please God or myself? Am I concerned about what people think about me or what God thinks about me?” In doing so, you may discover other areas in which your servanthood can improve. For example, God may be leading you to demonstrate the heart of a servant with your family and friends, in your work place, in an outreach ministry, or more frequently at your church. Obey whatever He is directing you to do. He will never forget what you have done to serve Him and others. By making a quality decision to walk in His love, and place His agenda before your own, you will be a genuine demonstration of the character of Jesus, and reap rewards here on Earth and in Heaven.
One of the major ways we demonstrate our new life in Christ is by becoming a servant, which means to commit ourselves to living for God instead of ourselves. In other words, we become God-focused instead of self-focused. As servants, we are willing to be inconvenienced for the sake of advancing the Kingdom of God. Jesus lived a life of servanthood. His servant’s heart was demonstrated in everything He did and everywhere He went. Everyone He came in contact with was affected by His determination to serve God and others. Before He was crucified, He showed His love for His disciples by washing their feet. John 13:3-5, 12 -14 describes the scene: Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God; He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. After that he poureth water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded…So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you? Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. It is evident that Jesus had no problem taking on a servant’s role. When we become Christians, we have a responsibility to adopt a lifestyle that demonstrates the character of Jesus Christ. The foundation of Christianity is love because God is love. When we learn to become servants, we build our character and cultivate the love of God in our hearts. God has always shown His love to us through serving us. His ultimate act of servanthood was sending Jesus to die for our sins (John 3:16). This great act of serving mankind is why we, in turn, should serve Him and others. Here are some characteristics of servanthood: 1. Servants make themselves available to God to serve. 2. Servants do what is needed, even when it is inconvenient. 3. Servants see interruptions as opportunities to practice serving others. 4. Servants pay attention to the needs of others. 5. No task is beneath a servant. God will not force you to serve Him; the choice is yours. But you have to present yourself instead of waiting for someone to ask you to serve, or for a miraculous sign to show up. God is always concerned about the condition of your heart. Therefore, if your heart is not willing to serve Him, ask Him to help you in this area. Additionally, ask yourself, “Am I living to please God or myself? Am I concerned about what people think about me or what God thinks about me?” In doing so, you may discover other areas in which your servanthood can improve. For example, God may be leading you to demonstrate the heart of a servant with your family and friends, in your work place, in an outreach ministry, or more frequently at your church. Obey whatever He is directing you to do. He will never forget what you have done to serve Him and others. By making a quality decision to walk in His love, and place His agenda before your own, you will be a genuine demonstration of the character of Jesus, and reap rewards here on Earth and in Heaven.
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
by Creflo Dollar
"For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). Our thinking sets the course for our lives. If we find we are not living the abundant life Jesus died to give us, we must examine our thought life. In order to prosper God's way, our thoughts must agree with His Word. The words we are exposed to on a daily basis have a huge impact on our thinking. And the condition of our minds determines the condition of our lives. Therefore, as Believers, we must go through the process of renewing our minds with the Word of God. Then, when we have thoughts that do not line up with God's Word, we can replace them with Word-based thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5). It is the will of God for us to prosper in every way, from our health and finances to our relationships and jobs. Every area of our lives should be an expression of abundant life. However, we prosper to the degree that our souls prosper (3 John 2). The soul is where the mind, will, and emotions reside. The mind is the primary area that Satan attacks because it is the control center of our lives. Satan's attacks consist of words and images that oppose God’s Word. He wants us to doubt God and fear that His promises will never come to pass. However, we have the power to transform our lives. Romans 12:2 says, “Be not be conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Transformation comes when we allow God’s Word to change our thinking. Many Believers wonder why their lives have not changed since they’ve been saved. The problem lies within their thinking. Many of us have nourished mindsets that oppose the Word for years and as a result, our old nature is stronger than our regenerated spirits. In order for change to occur, we must begin to nourish godly thoughts by consistently meditating on the Word. Keep in mind that change does not occur overnight; it is a process during which we must refuse to become frustrated. When we remain committed to the transformation process, we will begin to see changes takes place. Change is a lifetime endeavor, not a one-time event. My prayer is that you will continue to conform to the image of Christ by renewing your mind with God’s Word on a daily basis, so that you can truly know His good and perfect will for your life. Scripture References: Proverbs 23:7 2 Corinthians 10:5 3 John 2 Romans 12:2
"For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). Our thinking sets the course for our lives. If we find we are not living the abundant life Jesus died to give us, we must examine our thought life. In order to prosper God's way, our thoughts must agree with His Word. The words we are exposed to on a daily basis have a huge impact on our thinking. And the condition of our minds determines the condition of our lives. Therefore, as Believers, we must go through the process of renewing our minds with the Word of God. Then, when we have thoughts that do not line up with God's Word, we can replace them with Word-based thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5). It is the will of God for us to prosper in every way, from our health and finances to our relationships and jobs. Every area of our lives should be an expression of abundant life. However, we prosper to the degree that our souls prosper (3 John 2). The soul is where the mind, will, and emotions reside. The mind is the primary area that Satan attacks because it is the control center of our lives. Satan's attacks consist of words and images that oppose God’s Word. He wants us to doubt God and fear that His promises will never come to pass. However, we have the power to transform our lives. Romans 12:2 says, “Be not be conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Transformation comes when we allow God’s Word to change our thinking. Many Believers wonder why their lives have not changed since they’ve been saved. The problem lies within their thinking. Many of us have nourished mindsets that oppose the Word for years and as a result, our old nature is stronger than our regenerated spirits. In order for change to occur, we must begin to nourish godly thoughts by consistently meditating on the Word. Keep in mind that change does not occur overnight; it is a process during which we must refuse to become frustrated. When we remain committed to the transformation process, we will begin to see changes takes place. Change is a lifetime endeavor, not a one-time event. My prayer is that you will continue to conform to the image of Christ by renewing your mind with God’s Word on a daily basis, so that you can truly know His good and perfect will for your life. Scripture References: Proverbs 23:7 2 Corinthians 10:5 3 John 2 Romans 12:2
Answers Are Waiting in His Presence
by Creflo Dollar
Do you sometimes believe that you can accomplish more on your own, without any help from God? Do you often start your day without even acknowledging His presence? If so, I want to challenge you to begin seeking Him—not just in the morning—but throughout your day. Personally, I take advantage of every opportunity I can to find a quiet place where I can be alone to talk with God, just as I would a close friend. When we cultivate a personal relationship with God, we learn that His way is always better than our own.
Often it seems as if the methods of the world are quicker and easier than God’s method; however, I know from experience that His way is always best. Following the world leads to a dead end. However, following God’s way leads to a successful, happy life.
Many times, we rush through our days, proceed with our own plans, and place our time with God on the backburner. As a result, we often travel down those dead-end roads. Only when everything else has failed do we call out to him in desperation. Although God doesn’t mind showing us mercy during those times, He would rather we seek Him first. Just as a close friend would not want to be chosen as a last resort, God doesn’t want to be our last resort either.
When we cultivate a relationship with God, we must understand that He not only wants to be an intricate part of our lives, but He also wants us to delight in the time we spend with Him. When we begin to enjoy spending time with Him, He allows us to know Him on a more intimate level. He reveals mysteries to us when we quiet ourselves and listen more intently for His voice. He will give us answers that only He can give, which will empower us to reach our fullest potential in life.
As we receive His words, we experience a peace that passes all understanding. We begin to have what I call a knowing, deep inside, that He is always there, ready to give us the revelation knowledge we need to operate in power.
In order to reach this secret place, we must keep in mind certain truths that are vital in establishing a relationship with Him. First, we must acknowledge His son, Jesus, who sacrificed His precious blood. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of acknowledging the shed blood of Jesus. It is a necessity in the life of a Believer. It is only because of Jesus’ sacrifice that we have an opportunity to cultivate a close relationship with the Father.
Also, we must love others unconditionally, because God is love. When we begin to increase our understanding of the love of God and operate in it, we will begin to experience more of Him.
Last but not least, we must learn how to cast our cares on Him, setting aside time each day to clear our minds of clutter. God is always speaking to us, but when our minds are filled with worries and concerns we cannot hear Him!
The answers to the problems you have been struggling with are waiting for you in His presence. I encourage you to begin to seek Him today. Take your relationship with the Lord to a deeper level by giving Him the opportunity to speak into your life—then quickly obey what you hear. Make spending time with Him your new daily habit. And I am confident that you will be so glad you did.
Do you sometimes believe that you can accomplish more on your own, without any help from God? Do you often start your day without even acknowledging His presence? If so, I want to challenge you to begin seeking Him—not just in the morning—but throughout your day. Personally, I take advantage of every opportunity I can to find a quiet place where I can be alone to talk with God, just as I would a close friend. When we cultivate a personal relationship with God, we learn that His way is always better than our own.
Often it seems as if the methods of the world are quicker and easier than God’s method; however, I know from experience that His way is always best. Following the world leads to a dead end. However, following God’s way leads to a successful, happy life.
Many times, we rush through our days, proceed with our own plans, and place our time with God on the backburner. As a result, we often travel down those dead-end roads. Only when everything else has failed do we call out to him in desperation. Although God doesn’t mind showing us mercy during those times, He would rather we seek Him first. Just as a close friend would not want to be chosen as a last resort, God doesn’t want to be our last resort either.
When we cultivate a relationship with God, we must understand that He not only wants to be an intricate part of our lives, but He also wants us to delight in the time we spend with Him. When we begin to enjoy spending time with Him, He allows us to know Him on a more intimate level. He reveals mysteries to us when we quiet ourselves and listen more intently for His voice. He will give us answers that only He can give, which will empower us to reach our fullest potential in life.
As we receive His words, we experience a peace that passes all understanding. We begin to have what I call a knowing, deep inside, that He is always there, ready to give us the revelation knowledge we need to operate in power.
In order to reach this secret place, we must keep in mind certain truths that are vital in establishing a relationship with Him. First, we must acknowledge His son, Jesus, who sacrificed His precious blood. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of acknowledging the shed blood of Jesus. It is a necessity in the life of a Believer. It is only because of Jesus’ sacrifice that we have an opportunity to cultivate a close relationship with the Father.
Also, we must love others unconditionally, because God is love. When we begin to increase our understanding of the love of God and operate in it, we will begin to experience more of Him.
Last but not least, we must learn how to cast our cares on Him, setting aside time each day to clear our minds of clutter. God is always speaking to us, but when our minds are filled with worries and concerns we cannot hear Him!
The answers to the problems you have been struggling with are waiting for you in His presence. I encourage you to begin to seek Him today. Take your relationship with the Lord to a deeper level by giving Him the opportunity to speak into your life—then quickly obey what you hear. Make spending time with Him your new daily habit. And I am confident that you will be so glad you did.
The Secret to Promotion
by Creflo A. Dollar
James knew he was blessed when he finally got a job offer in his field of study. Feeling that God had called him to his position; he loved everything from the people to the cafeteria food. But there was a certain task that was a thorn in his side. Whenever faced with having to complete it, he became frustrated and would rush to get it done. After three years at his job, Jim was ready to move his way up the corporate ladder, and expected to have already been promoted. But, after applying for other positions and keeping his supervisor in the loop about his desires, he still hadn't made any progress.
Despite all the things James did right on his job, and regardless of the fact that he liked where he worked, he hindered his own promotion just by not being faithful to his position in certain areas. Something as simple as performing one task in a rush, and not to the best of his ability, demonstrated his lack of faithfulness in that particular area. While he was indeed called to his place of employment for that specific time, he had continued to demonstrate a lack of faithfulness in certain areas of his job.
Proverbs 28:20 declares, "A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent." A faithful man abounds with blessings, including promotion. Faithfulness is defined as being trustworthy, dependable and loyal. Each of these characteristics is what God will expect of you no matter where He sends you. If you work as a high–powered executive, or as a maintenance man, God still expects you to do your job in excellence.
In addition to making sure you do your job well, don't let the wrong things move you away from your calling. A paycheck should not determine whether or not you're going to do what God told you to do. Neither should a difficult boss or coworker. Understand that with your simple obedience and faithfulness to do what God told you to do, He will take care of you. If you are where you are supposed to be, show yourself faithful for that season, no matter how long it lasts, and you will be rewarded.
Faithfulness is the key to your promotion. You're not going to have any increase until you can learn to be faithful with what God's given you already. The Bible declares in Psalm 75:6, 7, "For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another." Don't you know that if you're faithful on your job, even to the point of being more faithful than the guy who's running the company, God will promote you? He honors faithfulness.
Faithfulness even goes beyond your job; you can begin to cultivate it in your relationships and in many other areas. Find out from God's Word how to be a faithful husband or wife. If you are a student, be faithful and diligent in your studies. Be faithful with the gifts and talents God has placed in you, using them to God's glory. Be faithful to the commitments you make to other people through your words. There are so many opportunities for promotion in life when you consider all the ways in which you can demonstrate faithfulness.
Faithfulness is the only way you're going to graduate to the next level in any area of your life! When you prove yourself faithful in one area, then God opens the door for you in others. If you're stuck in a rut, show Him you'll be faithful with what you have already. He will make a way. Do what God tells you to do so you can hear Him say, "My good and faithful servant, well done. You've been faithful over the few, now I'm going to make you ruler over many!"
God wants only the very best for you and He wants to see you succeed! He’s standing by to give you the promotion that you’ve worked hard for. Visit our Bible Study Center and find resources to build your faith and aid in your meditation of the Word of God.
James knew he was blessed when he finally got a job offer in his field of study. Feeling that God had called him to his position; he loved everything from the people to the cafeteria food. But there was a certain task that was a thorn in his side. Whenever faced with having to complete it, he became frustrated and would rush to get it done. After three years at his job, Jim was ready to move his way up the corporate ladder, and expected to have already been promoted. But, after applying for other positions and keeping his supervisor in the loop about his desires, he still hadn't made any progress.
Despite all the things James did right on his job, and regardless of the fact that he liked where he worked, he hindered his own promotion just by not being faithful to his position in certain areas. Something as simple as performing one task in a rush, and not to the best of his ability, demonstrated his lack of faithfulness in that particular area. While he was indeed called to his place of employment for that specific time, he had continued to demonstrate a lack of faithfulness in certain areas of his job.
Proverbs 28:20 declares, "A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent." A faithful man abounds with blessings, including promotion. Faithfulness is defined as being trustworthy, dependable and loyal. Each of these characteristics is what God will expect of you no matter where He sends you. If you work as a high–powered executive, or as a maintenance man, God still expects you to do your job in excellence.
In addition to making sure you do your job well, don't let the wrong things move you away from your calling. A paycheck should not determine whether or not you're going to do what God told you to do. Neither should a difficult boss or coworker. Understand that with your simple obedience and faithfulness to do what God told you to do, He will take care of you. If you are where you are supposed to be, show yourself faithful for that season, no matter how long it lasts, and you will be rewarded.
Faithfulness is the key to your promotion. You're not going to have any increase until you can learn to be faithful with what God's given you already. The Bible declares in Psalm 75:6, 7, "For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another." Don't you know that if you're faithful on your job, even to the point of being more faithful than the guy who's running the company, God will promote you? He honors faithfulness.
Faithfulness even goes beyond your job; you can begin to cultivate it in your relationships and in many other areas. Find out from God's Word how to be a faithful husband or wife. If you are a student, be faithful and diligent in your studies. Be faithful with the gifts and talents God has placed in you, using them to God's glory. Be faithful to the commitments you make to other people through your words. There are so many opportunities for promotion in life when you consider all the ways in which you can demonstrate faithfulness.
Faithfulness is the only way you're going to graduate to the next level in any area of your life! When you prove yourself faithful in one area, then God opens the door for you in others. If you're stuck in a rut, show Him you'll be faithful with what you have already. He will make a way. Do what God tells you to do so you can hear Him say, "My good and faithful servant, well done. You've been faithful over the few, now I'm going to make you ruler over many!"
God wants only the very best for you and He wants to see you succeed! He’s standing by to give you the promotion that you’ve worked hard for. Visit our Bible Study Center and find resources to build your faith and aid in your meditation of the Word of God.
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