Friday, September 25, 2009

Great Things Begin In Small Things!

Being faithful in small things, to the large things (Don’t despise humble beginnings). When we are faithful in the little things God can trust us to be faithful in the large things. During this time we are in the season of preparation in store for great things God has in store for us; during are in a time of teaching, training our character is build like a porter with the clay being modeled in to a vessel for God to use us for His use and glory. Don’t despise days of small beginning; don’t despise humble beginnings. God is closely watching, how consistent we are progressively; we should and need to walk in FAITHFULNESS, DILLIGENCE during this time we need to continue TRUSTING, OBEYING GOD no matter what one may think even yourself be Patient and continue to be FAITHFUL in WALKING in His ways standing in His word and in His promises being a hearer and a doer’er of His word. Don’t get tired of doing good for in due time you will be rewarded and reap a harvest form the LORD. God will bless you according to His plan. In all that we go through; remember our for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His ways higher than our ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. And His plans for me are for good and not for evil to give us a future and a hope. In all your ways trust in the LORD and lean not in your own understanding keep doing what He last told you to do; be a hearer and a doer’er of the word.
In trying times continue all the more to stand in the word of God for your break through is nearer than you think the darker the night the nearer the dawn during this time the devil knows that your there because of Jesus Christ in our hearts for He is greater that He that is in the world I John 4:4 and through Him we are more than conquerors Romans 8:37, Luke 1:37 with God nothing is impossible, and Isaiah 54:17 No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. The Heavens and the earth will pass away but My word will not pass away says the LORD GOD. II Corinthians 10:4 tells us the weapons “He has given us are strong enough to bring down principalities and strongholds. In the midst of small beginnings as your going through the training, teaching time; God is doing His work inside us; the longer it takes the bigger the future. Your development is like a massive root system that is going to shoot up high God is about to shoot you up high. David was a shepherd and His brothers were warriors He didn’t despise small beginnings looking after the sheep and he continued faithfully and diligently and with time; in His time He makes all things beautiful and he was called to fight goliath and God made him a King. Without the underground growth you wont experience the over ground growth. There was this marketer he was a graduate over qualified and he was employed and worked dealing with mail he continued diligently and was faithful. Latter a position came and was taken and continued and walked faithfully and God shot him up and became manager of the marketing department and God continued to promote Him and lifted him up. Continue being your best. Proverbs 28:20 talks about your years of faithfulness; your years of serving God will catapult you GREATNESS; years and years of giving, tithing serving God is FAITHFUL God will take you higher stay in His Faithfulness.
When we partner together miracles happen where two or three gather in His name there He is in their presence. Your faithfulness will cause you to abound give your best stay faithful, diligent always; your not alone God is with you closer than a brother. Years of preparation doing the right thing when your not seeing anything happening; it doesn’t matter how small it may seem; not interesting continue to stand in faithfulness. The victorious things that are in the future are enormous than the past meaning you thought you had seen great things God has not even began yet to show Himself to you, His love power, grace great and mighty things to amaze you have not known. Because you’re faithful you will abound; no enemy shall overcome you. Your latter days will be abundant. Give God first place in your heart He will take you places you’ve never dreamed of.

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