Friday, September 3, 2010


AVOIDING JOB STRESSS, pressure, anxiety, tension whatever you call it, there’s no shortage of it in today’s fast paced, technologically advanced workplace. This is how to go about it1. In with the good air out with the bad.Take a breathing break. Frequent short breaks during the day allow you to breathe deeply and relax your mind, preventing stress buildup.2. Know the enemy.What exactly is stressing you out? Is it your job, your relationship? Without knowing the root of the problem, you are unlikely to solve it. If you are having difficulty identifying the source of your stress, seek professional help from your employee assistance programmed or a mental health professional.3. Move it or lose it.Begin an exercise program. Exercise helps release endorphins, which relieves stress.4. Let go. Recognize the things you can and the ones you can’t control. Make a list of these two categories. Starting today make a pact with yourself to stop stressing yourself about things that you have no control over in your job.5. Beware of the things to do list.Take note of all the good work you do and give yourself credit for it. Set short term goals and allow yourself to take satisfaction in achieving them.6. Develop a tough skin.Try not to personalize any criticism you receive. Look at negative comments as constructive criticism that allows you to improve your work. If however, the criticism is verbally abusive, e.g your boss yells at you or uses vulgar language, discuss this problem with your manager or human resources department.7. Share the load.Delegate or share work whenever possible. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you are the only person who can do the job right. Your co-workers and boss might start to buy into that concept as well.
8. Don’t make work a four letter word.
Job stress builds when our minds are constantly focused on work. Strive for balance in your life. Make time for family, friends, hobbies, and most importantly, fun.
9. Know your rights.
It’s very important to know your rights as an employee or employer.
Although learning to manage a stressful job is important, sometimes it makes more sense to leave it. How can you determine when it’s time to give up your job?
-You have tried all the appropriate channels and methods for resolving your situation to no avail {or the appropriate channels are not made available}
-Your boss is intimidating, disrespectful or demeaning towards you.
-You are so bored on the job that you are exhausted by the end of the day. If you don’t have an upwardly career path that challenges you to grow professionally, it’s time to look for a more interesting position.

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