Friday, September 3, 2010

What are your tendencies?

Work quickly through the following 20 questions, selecting an answer
that most nearly describes your response to people or situations. The
responses provided won’t always describe you exactly or cover the myriad
emotions and reaction that are generated within each of us. When you read
each question, ask yourself,” In general, which of these answers usually
would apply to me?” Move through the questions rapidly, trusting in your
intuitive response, which is usually the most accurate.
1. I like to help people
1) Understand the proper facts
2) Enjoy themselves
3) Accomplish a task
4) Feel better.
2. I rarely hear myself say
1) “I will do it immediately”
2) “I will give this careful thought and study”
3) “I will do whatever you say.”
4) “You are wrong.”
3. I most desire to
1) Understand
2) Have fun
3) Conquer challenges
4) Forge closer relationships
4. I would describe myself as
1) Thoughtful and deliberate
2) Friendly and energetic
3) Goal oriented and driven.
4) Loyal and committed.
5. I have the most difficulty with
1) Operating at a rapid pace for extended periods
2) Following up every little detail
3) Being patient with others’ procrastination and weakness
4) Asserting myself
6. I enjoy giving people
1) Correct information
2) A laugh
3) A challenge
4) A helping hand
7. I could easily put together a long list of
1) facts about a given topic
2) my friends
3) my goals
4) my values
8. I most dislike
1) Being rushed
2) Being alone
3) Losing
4) Attacking someone
9. I am motivated by
1) A desire to learn and the satisfaction of a job well done
2) Excitement and variety
3) Challenge and crisis
4) Building relationships with others
10. My decisions are usually
1) Careful and reasoned
2) Emotional and impulsive
3) Quick and decisive
4) Based on others’ feelings, as well as my own
11. My friends would most likely say that I am
1) Careful and knowledgeable
2) Friendly and fun to be with
3) Strong and fearless
4) Loyal and Patient
12. I most fear
1) Chaos and crisis
2) Being disliked
3) Losing control
4) Confrontation
13. I dislike people who are
1) Making me hurry
2) Boring
3) Weak
4) Insensitive
14. I am confident that
1) I can learn a lot about almost anything
2) I can overcome most obstacles by the power of my personality
3) I can meet and master any challenge
4) I will always treasure my friends and family over financial
15. When I have an important decision to make, I would be most
likely to
1) Gather all the relevant information, consider it thoroughly, and
then arrive at a carefully reasoned decision.
2) Make a snap decision based on my feelings at the time,and I
might change my mind later
3) Quickly arrive at the best possible decision, and I expect others
to go along
4) Ask others how they would be affected by the consequences of
my actions, and I would try to consider their best interests, not
just my own.
16. If I could select only one word to describe myself, it would be
1) Intelligent
2) Friendly
3) Strong
4) Faithful
17. I enjoy
1) Learning
2) Talking
3) Winning
4) Giving
18. I prefer to do things
1) The correct way. I like things to be done accurately.
2) The fun way. I enjoy variety and excitement
3) My way. I like to be in charge
4) The confrontational way. I would rather not conflict with the
desires of others.
19. I like people who are
1) Logical and patient
2) Spontaneous and energetic
3) Capable and cooperative
4) Friendly and kind.
20. I like to think that I am
1) Correct
2) Cheerful
3) In control
4) Compassionate
The survey says
Most questions with
1-(Thinker) 2-(Energizer) 3-(Achiever) 4-(Mediator)
Bringing out the best in a thinkers
• Give them time
• Avoid hyperbole and exaggeration
• Allow them to ask questions
• Make allowances for their natural caution
• Include them, rather than dictate to them.
Bringing out the best in energizers
• Let them talk
• Remember that they are often highly creative. Listen to their
• Don’t bog them down with too many details
• Be sure to follow up on them
• Take sometime for personal conversation before getting down to
Bringing out the best in achievers.
• Don’t waste time with small talk
• You will have to help them delegate. (Remember that Achievers like
• Don’t let them intimidate you.
• Always, always set new goals and challenges
• Show them how they will benefit professionally and financially.
Bringing out the best of Mediators
• Give them time to adjust to change
• Show them how change will benefit others. They love to contribute to
others’ well being
• Remember what motivates them. Your words motivate them
• Know that values are important to them
• Help them to meet and resolve conflict successfully.

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