Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rapture, Christ Jesus Coming back to take the Church (We need to be ready)

I had a dream about the Rapture. About 6.25 this morning I dreamt that I was outside and I saw the sky littered with images of prophets and saints. I was puzzled and said... could this be the rapture; then all of a sudden I saw all the buildings, the sky scrapers falling into the sea, it was like a huge movie screen. They were falling; the sea, the moon the sun was all in one. It was frightening. A big ball of fire all over, the moon and the sun seemed like it fell into the sea; the sea was raging .. It was total destruction all around; there were things falling into the sea, the buildings; confusion; fear. I looked and said " Jesus did you leave me here? Why did you leave me? I felt in my heart that I was not forgiving of someone. I thought: the rapture occurred; because I would not be seeing this... I felt lost, hopeless. Frightened. I wondered where are my children . The sea cut off everything, I felt it was impossible for to get to my apartment. I saw like this container of food flying through the air and this women grabbed one, another lady said to her " where did your get this?.. She said "over there"... turned off and said "I do not have no time for people, let her look for her own food"...She was cold, and kept on going. In the dream I felt she was the antichrist. Water, fire, buildings falling into the sea. It was total destruction. I awoke and started crying and speaking in tongues. Went into my daughters room and said to her the 'Jesus is coming for his World, please give your life to him".

Please take this message to heart it was God given and My sister In Christ Sister Geran allowed me to share this with you. Please accept Jesus before it is too late. Please share this with anyone that may not be saved. Thanks. God bless you

It is True He is coming again to take His Church; and to go with Him is to accept Him in your heart ask for His forgivenss for we are all sinners born with sin Adams nature and asking for forgiveness, asking Him to wash our sins away by His blood and to come into our hearts His Spirit begins to live in us read John 3:3, Romans 10:9 John 13:34 its by faith just believe and you will see Him in your life PLEASE READ THE STORY/DREAM BELOW!!!

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