Thursday, September 2, 2010

Foundation, Victory

With the opportunity to work as counselor I have had the privilege to talk to people who just need to be victors and not victims to circumstances, people and places. But, one important thing that I believe they forget is that one can be a victim to him/herself. As one of my favorite preachers once said you can run away from people, a place and even circumstances but you can never run away from yourself.
This brings me to my foundation to a victorious life; its YOU! What? Yes, YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL! When I say this it sounds so simple. But what happens when you think you should do something that you are not sure about but you find yourself in a situation you never thought you would be in; for instance:
• In marriage you know you have come too far to give up yet you are not sure if you just need some time apart or a divorce but now you are a divorcee.
• An issue that can affect your life, its your principle never to have sex before marriage, you are not sure if you should visit your girl/boyfriend at his/her place alone, but now you’re pregnant or a father to be and single.
• For a job situation you know you should do what needs to be done because its respect for authority, you are unhappy about your patience, now you are jobless since you quit and the next employer needs a recommendation letter.
• A spiritual issue, your relationship with God, family and other people is very important, you feel you need to study your bible on relationship, now it seems you can’t get along with anyone since your conscience has been seared when it comes to relationships, why? You felt you had no time for bible study.
• It might even be a health condition. Accordingly you have seen a doctor, your sugar situation needs prescribed medication, but you are condemning yourself after munching a bar of chocolate.
Does it sound like you are three people in one, perceiving one thing, deciding on another and doing something totally different? This is because you are a TRI-part being with a:
This is the part that has the conscience or the inner you and sometimes it’s known as instinct and to others the small still voice or even a gut feeling.
This is the part of you that is made up of your
MIND (the thought manufacturer).
WILL (the thought processor or decision maker)
EMOTIONS. (The feelings expresser)
BODY (the external information transmitter through the five senses)
All this is to simplify the process of discovering ‘YOU’. In all the issues of life start working with YOU:
Rely on your spirit; that inner man, instinct, guts feeling or the still small voice because it’s very important whether born again or not:
􀂾 If born again it’s the part in the human being that dies to GOD when in sin but alive when one is born again and has fellowship with God.
􀂾 For the non believer it’s still the image and likeness of God explaining the universal moral law that governs us whether born again or not. Even someone who has never heard the gospel or even a small baby knows when they are doing wrong.
(a) Before doing what you would like to do just take a moment and think about it and even right down your options.
(b)With your options do elimination test and make a decision.
(c)Never forget that it’s important to know how you feel about your decision if there’s any insecurity take more time to think about it.
Finally go ahead and do it, maybe you need to hear the other parties issues about your marriage, maybe you need to give someone a hug, or see someone doing their job, or even stop listening, watching or reading pornographic material to overcome that masturbation issue or simply try and taste a sugar free bar of chocolate. My point is; some things can be dealt with by disciplining the external information transmitter called the body, which is controlled by the five senses.
In building a house the foundation is very important. In our lives THE FOUNDATION is YOU(THE PERSON, INDIVIDUAL).Maybe that’s the reason why what we know as verbs which are words describing things you have to put a PRONOUN before them to become active words and they all begin with ‘I’ in their conjugation.

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